Do Now 11/20

What does cool mean to you?
~ It means something in style ; Something new , fresh and has an impact on us.
What makes a product cool?

~It’s uniqueness.

Do you think this article applies to brands targeting younger age groups?

Of course it does , It’s trying to tell us what we can do to get more people of our age group lured in.
What is WOM?

Word of mouth marketing.


Do Now 11/19

1)What is buzz?

~The spread of your brand

2)What is brand polarization?

The spread of a brand through negativity.

3)Why is Bad Buzz Sometimes good?

It spreads faster than good buzz.

4)How does social media play a positive role in brand management according to the article?

It allows the maker to find out what they need to improve on.
Come up with 2 discussion questions for class from article. (Yes/No Questions are not allowed.)
What’s a company that benefited off of brand polarization?

How can a company benefit from brand polarization?just swinging

Do Now 11/18

1. Tweet Comment about article with #MECPSMedia

~  Tweeted. ( #MECPSmedia Twitter looks better at this point of view now. I don’t see it as a website that’s old and obnoxious like FB anymore.

2. What are two things you learned from this article?

-Why they have limits on characters used on twitter , Twitters true use.

3. What is your opinion about twitter after reading this article?

-I think that it’s a rather useful article because before I thought Twitter was full of bragging teenagers . Now I can see the true advantages of twitter.

4. Come up with 2 discussion questions for class from article. (Yes/No Questions are not allowed.)

-What is Twitters main usage?
-Why does Twitter have a 140-character limit?



What is SWOT Analysis?
It’s an effective process companies use to assess themselves and their competitors and formulate their strategies is an analysis called “SWOT.”

 Break down your SWOT Analysis for your personal brand.

 S ( Strength ) : Supplies people with the secureness of being heard, by someone actualoly caring , or to allow them to relieve their stress.

:  People have other alternatives ; I’m shy.

O( Opportunities )
: I get to meet new people and help them understand that their not alone.

T( Threats) I may be too tall and people might be intimidated by me.


Current Event 11-12-13 [ Last Consecutive date ] ~~~~~~ Minecraft – The new teaching technology ?


Today people are using this as a utility to teach kids in their classes. It’s much more creative ; So far minecraft has been used to teach kids social skills, Internet safety , as well as fundamental education by making their own customized servers and maps.

All over the world. From Denmark  to Australia even right here in California.



Due to children’s addiction to the game teachers across the world had the ingenious idea to use it in classes.picgifs-minecraft-35411


Sports Sneakers: Nike
Backpack or handbag: Ful
Can Of Soda: Arizona/ Green Tea – Gingerale.
Favorite Sport team: Saints, Celtics , Stealers
Computer/Mp3 player : Toshiba/ Rhapsody

3 things you’re good at:

Great Listener*_ Creative Writer*_ Photographer

I shall create an impact by writing a piece of work that would hopefully bring people into my viewpoint of the world.Bringing them together similarly to what Confucius did.

I’ll also take pictures  of the world so they would never forget to look at their surrounding and bask in the ambiance of the worlds natural beauty. Sometimes you have to stop walking/working and just look up at the sky.

Do Now 11/6 Teens and Social Media

1. What are 3 things you learned that you did not know?
-says that 74% of teen girls agree that “most girls my age use social networking sites to make themselves look cooler than they are.”                 

-Critical peer analysis is understood and expected from their peers; in fact, it is the purpose of maintaining an account for a teen. Consequently, teens believe that brands are susceptible to the same standard online, which is why they provide feedback in order to inspire change.
 -Many teens told us that they just felt like different people on these sites and thought that people they see online often act very differently on social media from how they act in person and at school.” Perhaps this means that teens feel they need to maintain a façade online and are not yet comfortable enough to convey their true selves in the digital space.

2. Which statistics apply to you or your friends?

That we maintain a facade between online life and real life.

3. How can you use social media to advance your personal branding?

By using blogs like tumblr , you can express yourself the correct way and put yourself out there.
4. How does “Identity” play a role when talking about personal branding and social media? Give examples/quotes.